Monitoring Software

Orion Power Systems provides the most advanced monitoring software available. All Orion ups systems come with Free monitoring software.  Monitoring Software (Requires USB connection and must be loaded on server)

ViewPower Monitoring Software V 1.03 (For use with Office Pro 550/750, Network Pro RTX2, Online RT1/RTX1, SCR3 Series, and MSR Series )
installViewPowerHTML Windows

WinPower Monitoring Software ( For use with Office Pro LCD 1000,1400,2000 , Network Pro RTX, SCR2 Series)

PowerGuide Monitoring Software (For use with Office Pro G2 and Edge Pro 1000VA – 2000VA Series)
PowerGuide Monitoring Software

SNMP 4 Management System

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) requires purchase of a SNMP management card and allows monitoring and control of your ups and loads from anywhere on your network. SNMP4 Management System works with OPS-SNMP4-WEBCARD. Netility software allows card setup and configuration. Once card is setup and configured you can monitor via a web browser or with SNMPView software. SNMPView is not required for SNMP management, but is rather a tool that allows for monitoring and controlling multiple ups units on the network.

Orion SNMP 4 Essentials– Zip file download includes :
SNMP View – Allows monitoring and management of multiple Orion ups systems from a single window.
Netagent Manual
Netility – Allows for searching for ups systems and configuration
ImConfig – Allows for updating configuration on multiple ups systems
MIB Files for use with Solarwinds, PRTG, etc.
